The Town Council Merit Awards are presented annually to members of the public who, in the opinion of the Council, have made a significant contribution to the town and the townsfolk. Those who work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of our residents, continuously contribute to a particular issue which has wide reaching benefits for Littlehampton or help enhance the town’s reputation can be nominated.
Merit Awards 2025
Littlehampton Town Council is seeking nominations for the individuals and groups who make significant contributions to the town and townsfolk. The awards will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting being held on 24 April 2025.
Those who work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of our residents, continuously contribute to a particular issue which has wide reaching benefits for Littlehampton or help enhance the town’s reputation can be nominated.
Past award winners include:
Mrs Allison Whitburn – Ali – really does over deliver in her role as community champion at Morrisons. Extremely helpful to Littlehampton schools, including running the uniform swap at Chilgrove House, she has also arranged for a local school to receive snacks for pupils in need.
Littlehampton Prom Park Run held its first event in April 2019. Since then hundreds of people have been empowered to run or walk 5k every Saturday morning. Creating a wonderful community of runners and volunteers, who collectively improve their fitness and mental health, the group now attracts some 300 people every week.
Barbara Greaves has notched up an amazing 24 years of volunteering for the St Barnabas House Hospice charity shop. Raising thousands of pounds in sales, she was also recognised for her excellent customer service skills.
Nominations can be made through the Merit Awards online form or by filling in a form which can be posted to you, call us on 01903 730263 to request. Closing date is Monday 3 March.
Merit Awards
Dance Industry Studios has offered opportunities and high-quality training for Littlehampton residents in all genres of dance for 38 years. Under the auspices of Muriel, the school Principal, who is ably supported by a dedicated team, the organisation fosters and nurtures local talent. Helping pupils to achieve places at top performing arts colleges, many have gone on to forge successful careers in ballet and musical theatre.
Littlehampton Prom Park Run held its first event in April 2019. Since then hundreds of people have been empowered to run or walk 5k every Saturday morning. Creating a wonderful community of runners and volunteers, who collectively improve their fitness and mental health, the group now attracts some 300 people every week.
Run by volunteers, Arun Community Transport drives people without easy access to public transport to appointments. Low cost, efficient and a lifeline to many, an exceptional band of volunteers make a very real difference to those in need of the service.
Mrs Allison Whitburn – Ali – really does over deliver in her role as community champion at Morrisons. Extremely helpful to Littlehampton schools, including running the uniform swap at Chilgrove House, she has also arranged for a local school to receive snacks for pupils in need.
Celia Thomson-Hitchcock was Chair of the Littlehampton Traders Association for 4 years. Working tirelessly for the Town’s traders and for the people of Littlehampton, Celia also lends a hand to other organisations in Littlehampton.
Barbara Greaves has notched up an amazing 24 years of volunteering for the St Barnabas House Hospice charity shop. Raising thousands of pounds in sales, she was also recognised for her excellent customer service skills.
Russell Hayler served as Littlehampton's Remembrance Day Parade Marshall for many years before stepping down in 2023. Russell's commitment and dedication to this annual public service is hugely appreciated by the Town.
See our document listing Past Merit Award Recipients from 1989 to 2024.